Challenge Ladder


Operation of the Club Ladder

The use and operation of a club ladder has been determined by a General Meeting of the Bendigo Squash Club.  There were two basic reasons for introducing a club ladder.

  1. To assist the committee in grading players for pennant matches.
  2.  To increase the opportunity for competitive squash within the club.

The ladder operates at the Club on the board and online through this ladder page and through email & social networks. Alterations to the ladder are carried out by a member of the Club Committee.

Details of challenges and matches will be posted on the board within the club, online and at times on social network. Recent matches  are displayed on the ladder board, which can be found between courts 1 and 2 at the squash centre. 

All club members have been allocated a name tab on the ladder board. Players can only be active in one challenge at a time. 


Challenge Ladder Rules

  1. New players are ranked by a member of the club committee based on previous games (pennant or grading)
  2. Players can challenge any player above them within 3 places of their own position on the ladder.
  3. Players are not obliged to accept more than one challenge per month, unless the challenge is issued for an upcoming pennant match. 
  4. Players are required to play match within one month, specific  time for match must be organised within one week of challenge purposed to ladder co-ordinator (Jesse Harding) 
  5. Each player can only issue one challenge at any given time. A challenged player must complete their challenge match before being eligible to issue their own challenge.
  6. Each challenge must be issued either by posting online, posting on the club noticeboard or by contacting a member of the club committee.
  7. It is the responsibility of the challenging player to record the result of the challenge on the club noticeboard. All results will then be posted online.
  8. It is the responsibility of the challenging player to arrange a mutually convenient match time and to post this on the club noticeboard.
  9. All members are automatically included in the challenge ladder however can opt out by contacting a member of the club committee.

All challenges, upcoming matches and results will be posted on the Squashies Facebook page and the Club noticeboard. Some will also be included on the clubs official website and Facebook page.